
Mutually Assured Survival

By Amy Larkin and Siddhartha Velandy This post was originally published on the Huffington Post on January 10th, 2014 and co-authored by Siddhartha Velandy, a Major in United States Marine Corps Reserve and author of

January 14th, 2014|Amy's Writing|Comments Off on Mutually Assured Survival

Social impact: the Guardian’s top 5 stories of 2013

Amy's column "How West's throwaway culture destroys basic freedoms in China" was listed as one of the Top 5 social impact stories of 2013 by the Guardian Sustainable Business. See all of Amy's contributions to the Guardian

January 6th, 2014|Amy's Writing|Comments Off on Social impact: the Guardian’s top 5 stories of 2013

Power, Love and Money

First posted in the Guardian, December 6th, 2013 As an environmentalist, producer and businesswoman, I have always thought that moving anyone to action takes either power (or money) or love (or sex). Sometimes it takes

December 10th, 2013|Amy's Writing|Comments Off on Power, Love and Money

Courage and the modern business

First posted on the 2degreesNetwork on November 28th, 2013.  The laws of nature and the rules of business are currently in direct collision. Today, the biggest polluter makes the biggest profit. Short-term earnings govern financial analysts’ worldview, and

December 3rd, 2013|Amy's Writing|Comments Off on Courage and the modern business

The Carbon Diaries

First published in the Huffington Post, October 8th, 2013 I just finished reading a fantastic novel, The Carbon Diaries, by Saci Lloyd (2010). It has tons of music and sex, so of course it's riveting, but

October 9th, 2013|Amy's Writing|Comments Off on The Carbon Diaries

What’s Going On. Business and History

Businesses' power to impact society extends beyond their carbon footprints and working conditions. What companies have fundamentally changed the world? Motown is not only a delight (of course, it's playing now to inspire me), but also showcases the power of business to change culture. And it's not alone. Other businesses also altered the zeitgeist and, in turn, history.

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