The cost of cancer: why health impacts belong on company balance sheets
First published in the Guardian, August 18th, 2014 Like so many of us, I have personal experience with cancer. I’ve had it twice, and so have both of my parents, six aunts and numerous friends.
Biomimicry Lessons for Business on Triple Pundit
This article featuring Amy's recent talk at a BiomimicryNYC event was originally published on Triple Pundit by Raz Godelnik: How do we create a better future? How do we redesign our economic system to be more sustainable?
Radical cooperation is the only antidote to climate chaos
First published in the Guardian on June 20th, 2014 Throughout the 20th century, millions of people banded together in nonviolent revolutions across the globe to secure their freedom. From India to Czechoslovakia, South Africa to Poland,
Fossil fuels and peace don’t mix
First published in the Guardian on June 4th, 2014. Why doesn't anyone do anything about the situation in Ukraine? One reason is that Russia supplies one third of the European Union’s oil and gas. The
Forbes’ Inspiring Social Entrepreneur Ideas
This Forbes website list of inspiring social entrepreneur ideas highlights Amy's proposal for accelerated depreciation for green infrastructure. See more of her thoughts on the issue here. From the Forbes list: #3. Corporations harm the
Climate change survival: companies need courage… and new metrics
First published in the Guardian on April 24th, 2014. Today, tremendous work is being done to develop the metrics of natural capital. All kinds of very smart people and organizations are making the "business case" for
A simple accounting change can make green infrastructure more attractive
First published in the Guardian, April 8th 2014 Many businesses struggle with the question of how to invest in large fixed assets. These are painstaking decisions, because they always demand long-term thinking and guessing about
Feelings, not facts: negotiating for a new business paradigm
First published in the Huffington Post, March 6th, 2014 When I first started working with corporations on transformative green technologies, I would discuss my excitement to other environmentalists, and they would retort: "But they're only
On steroids and quarterly reports: short-term fixes can screw up the system
First published in the Guardian, February 17th, 2014 Something – maybe a bat, although nobody was certain – recently bit my good friend Arnie. What happened next is an allegory for how short-term fixes can
Human error: how business can learn from past mistakes
First published in the Guardian on February 7th, 2014 There are at least two areas where I agree with most major religions. First, we must treat one another with compassion and kindness – the golden